Work Related Accidents
At Zenith Physiotherapy we are registered service provider for WSIB claims. We can bill WSIB directly for all your treatment once your claim has been approved by WSIB. Since physiotherapists are primary health care provider in the province of Ontario, patient do not need a referral/prescription of a physician to receive the necessary treatment. You can see a physiotherapist directly even if you have not seen any doctor for your injury. If your employer is registered with WSIB then you are most likely covered under the provincial WSIB regulations. To qualify for the coverage, the worker needs to report the accident/incident that happened at work to the employer as soon as possible. So then the employer can fill out the necessary paperwork to start your claim. Once your claim has been approved, WSIB will cover your physiotherapy coverage for a minimum of 4-6 weeks.
Our physiotherapist will also communicate with WSIB to ensure that your claim has been approved and fill out the necessary paperwork that is needed including the assessment report, Functional abilities form (FAF) and even the end of program of care form at the time of discharge from physiotherapy. Our physiotherapists provide a treatment plan that is tailor made for you that not only facilitates the recovery from the injury but also prepared you for a safe return to work.